Sunday, January 17, 2010

<a href=""><i>The Happiness Project</i></a> by Gretchen Rubin

This book chronicles Gretchen's year-long attempt to try out happiness ideas, to see if they do, in fact, make her happier. Each month of her project has a theme (for example: Boost Energy, Remember Love, Be Serious About Play...), and she selects three to five resolutions related to that theme to add to her chart where she daily keeps track of how well she has stuck to each resolution.

It sounds like it could be really dull, but I actually enjoyed reading this book, and have tried to take on a few of Gretchen's resolutions. One thing she suggests is making your bed each morning, so that first thing you will have accomplished something (also, it's nice to go to bed in a made bed). Another is to tackle nagging tasks - I cleaned out my email inboxes yesterday and feel lighter. She also resolved to exercise more, which I am also attempting to do, but that's not really a direct result of having read this book.

Overall, this is a book I feel comfortable recommending to almost anyone - it's a quick, informative read, that I think I will probably read again with a notepad next to me. I liked a lot of the ideas she has, as well as am interested in looking up some of her sources.


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